Interview Anyone, anywhere using Video
¿How? Through video and automation it allows the recruiter to screen higher quality candidates in less time.
Our promise
To provide recruiters with a solution to streamline the process of candidates screening through video, offering the best experience on the journey.
Record video interviews, manage your candidates, capture your positions and share best profiles, all in the same place
Using the newest technology and your recruitment process will be faster, better, and innovative. Standardizing the process giving the best experience to all.
Collokio will act as part of your team. We`ll always look for more ways to improve and make you and your team successful with this tool.
How it works?
Here you have more information about how Collokio offers you it`s principal tools to take your process to the next level.
On Demand Inteviews
Pre-recorded one way interviews. Just share a simple link and candidates will register, record and send their interview to you all alone. Recruiters receive, revise, and filter when and however they want.
Video Lists
Share a list of your best and favorite candidates. Clients, superiors or teammates will receive it and they`ll be able to watch, evaluate and comment on the interview by clicking a link.
Candidates Portfolio
Gather, save and manage your candidate´s portfolio. Use the search engines we offer to find perfect fit candidates for your newest positions depending on their abilities, languages and tools.
Video Resume
All candidate experience, more than just a paper. A video resume will let you know more about your candidate, beyond their experience. You can share it or just invite him to participate.